Moving is considered one of the most stressful experiences in a person's life. No matter how much planning you did in advance, on the day of the move you wind up discovering that you are totally not prepared. You thought the the packing process can be finished within a couple of hours whereas even after two days of non-stop packing there is still loose stuff all around you. So here are a few things you could do to make your life just easier.
Pick your moving date and stick to it.
Your planning will be more efficient if you know the exact date by which everything needs to be done. If you decide that you want to move some time at the end of October, chances are you will move in December, because you won't be ready on time. Moving involves many aspects apart from packing and loading, so make sure you give yourself enough time to do everything with no hustle. If you are moving interstate, you will need at least 4 to 6 months for making the moving preparations.
Prepare yourself to deal with a lot of clutter.
It's in a human's nature to keep bringing stuff in, but neglect taking it out. We've been living among our things for so long, that we actually stop noticing some of them. But once you start packing, you will be surprised by the amount of things you have no intention to take with you into your new dwelling. Discovering the fact a day before your move leaves you with little options - chances are you will just throw the unneeded things out. However if you start going through your belongings in advance, you can actually sell, donate or give away some of the things you don't need, but someone else might find them useful.
Know who you need to inform about your future move.
Letting your mom know that you are moving is not really enough. Make sure you notify other parties as well, even though your mom should probably be the first one to know. Send enough notice to your current landlord - many tenants end up losing their security deposits just because they neglected to give at least one month notice. Arrange for a change of address and mail forward service with your Postal Office. Don't forget your bank, insurance provider and utility services. Well, as always notifying your friends wouldn't hurt either, unless you deliberately plan to keep your new location a secret
According to D. Eisenhower, "plans are worthless. Planning is essential." You will save yourself a lot of headache if you start planning your move early.
Pick your moving date and stick to it.
Your planning will be more efficient if you know the exact date by which everything needs to be done. If you decide that you want to move some time at the end of October, chances are you will move in December, because you won't be ready on time. Moving involves many aspects apart from packing and loading, so make sure you give yourself enough time to do everything with no hustle. If you are moving interstate, you will need at least 4 to 6 months for making the moving preparations.
Prepare yourself to deal with a lot of clutter.
It's in a human's nature to keep bringing stuff in, but neglect taking it out. We've been living among our things for so long, that we actually stop noticing some of them. But once you start packing, you will be surprised by the amount of things you have no intention to take with you into your new dwelling. Discovering the fact a day before your move leaves you with little options - chances are you will just throw the unneeded things out. However if you start going through your belongings in advance, you can actually sell, donate or give away some of the things you don't need, but someone else might find them useful.
Know who you need to inform about your future move.
Letting your mom know that you are moving is not really enough. Make sure you notify other parties as well, even though your mom should probably be the first one to know. Send enough notice to your current landlord - many tenants end up losing their security deposits just because they neglected to give at least one month notice. Arrange for a change of address and mail forward service with your Postal Office. Don't forget your bank, insurance provider and utility services. Well, as always notifying your friends wouldn't hurt either, unless you deliberately plan to keep your new location a secret
According to D. Eisenhower, "plans are worthless. Planning is essential." You will save yourself a lot of headache if you start planning your move early.
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